A level 4 qualification for managers and leaders in voluntary or third sector organisations to recognise advanced commitment to mental health and wellbeing support for staff and service-users
A nationally accredited programme to recognise managers and leaders’ awareness of the mental health and wellbeing needs of their teams and clients.
The mental health and wellbeing of our staff has become increasingly higher in the agenda over the past few years. Having an impact on engagement, satisfaction, turnover and retention of staff, making sure that you lead your teams in a mental health friendly way is a major part of management nowadays. Combine this with the increasing complex nature of the mental health of your service users, then your role is challenging.
From a leadership perspective, the needs of your staff have changed enormously and the way you lead has had to adapt too. Your values, ethos and behaviours towards your teams has had to change and develop to reflect these ever-changing expectations. As a manager, it’s like an ever-moving roller coaster.
Whilst there are short courses, and workplace initiatives to encourage mental health awareness, who is training the managers and leaders within an organisation to know what they need to do? How do they recognise someone is struggling? How do they normalise talking about emotions in an atmosphere where focus is on getting the job done? How do they balance the individual needs of their staff against the operational requirements of the workplace?
Now, national specialists in mental health and wellbeing, The Mental Health Awareness Programme, are delighted to lead a national course to offer certified courses to recognise advanced leadership skills in supporting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace (and in turn for their clients).
The course combines taught/facilitated sessions with self-studied units and homework activities to implement the learning in their workplace.
Who is it aimed at?
The course is aimed at team leaders and managers (plus aspiring leaders) in organisations that provide services to clients.
Tailoring the content to your needs
The course consists of core modules everyone is required to complete, but this is complemented by self-study and workplace activities that you select for your role. This means the course can be customised to meet the needs of your role and your workplace
Online self-study route
Pre-recorded 20-25 minute videos, follow-up activities and self-studied units. Complete the certification process at your own rate.
In-person route (group bookings or delivered by our local partners)
Three full days, follow-up homework and self-studied units. If you think your local area would participate in a group course, please contact us.
The course is assessed through a reflective portfolio leading to a level 4 Mental Health Aware Leadership qualification.
Course content
Facilitated sessions:
- Leadership in mental health
- Beliefs, values and attitudes
- Bias and reactions to mental health
- Reflecting on leadership approaches
- Expectations for services with clients
- Emotional coping
- Mental Health Difficulties
- Workplace wellbeing
- Role of the Leader in Mental Health
In addition, participants will study two of the following self-study topics:
- Support for staff
- Staff engagement
- Disabilities and medical conditions
- Mental health difficulties
- Mindset
- Ethos
- Wellbeing
You will need to be able to commit to approximately 3-4 hours a week for 3-6 months.
Download a pamphlet
Guide Price – £1100 + VAT
Train the Trainer – Initial training 4 days £1900 per trainer, Annual accreditation £800 (includes an update day), fee per participant £275 – Train just 3 people to cover your costs!
If you have any questions about what this course could mean for you, or would like to book, please contact us on +442381 120010 or email info@rootofit.com.